I Shot Them in Their Undies!

I Shot Them in Their Undies!

Taking photos of your mum and dad in their undies is not something you do every day, especially in the middle of the Simpson desert. But, when they are wearing the coolest undies, Knobby’s – it’s Okay!

We had to hike up and over Big Red to the next sand dune, and at the top of Big Red the view was stunning! It’s the highest sand dune in the Simpson Desert.

On one side you could see the whole of Bashville and all the caravans, stage and food vans set up and on the other side,  you could see the red sand of the Simpson dessert behind the flat plain that was at the bottom of the dune.

We (the kids) ran down Big Red while mum and dad walked, and we went all the way to the other side of the flat plain that we could see from the top of Big Red.

On the way, there was a sign that had an arrow pointing forward to Big Red and one to the right to get Birdsville (or left from the direction that we were walking!) so we put Aussie Destinations Unknown and LKI stickers on it.

Once we finally got to the sand dune they wanted their photoshoot on, mum handed me the camera and they started posing and jumping in front of the camera with their Knobbys on. I was looking around to make sure nobody was there, seeing the craziness that was going on!

This is probably one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done, but to be honest it was kind of fun because I felt like an actual photographer.

I shot them from different angles, together and mum by herself. I took pics from the front and from the back and I made sure the horizon was lined up like mum had said.

On our way back to the van we had to climb Big Red again –  So Aylah, Cooper and I all raced each other down the dune. Luckily there were no stacks and faces full of red sand, although that would’ve been really funny (unless it was me).

When we got back to the caravan, we looked back through the photos and they were awesome! You’ve probably already seen some of them, but if you haven’t, they’re on Aussie Destinations Unknown Instagram and Facebook and I’ll put some in this post too.

If you love me, you comment below “good photography skills Charli”.

Haha, nah I’m kidding, but if you really want to, nobody said you can’t! Lol. Well I got to go now, I hope you like the pics. See ya!