Here is where you’ll get to meet me … the real me! When I have things to say, or when I’m feeling something I’d like to share .. this is where you’ll find it!

I’m not going to do my hair and make up and make a production of things – I’m just going to hit record.

I have so much I’d love to share that I never get around to blogging about, so I’ve decided it’s much easier to simply make a little (or a big!) video.

Feedback is always welcome!




This was recorded straight after I got home from teaching a Zumba Gold class 🙂

In this very first ‘episode’ I touch on where we started, where we are now and where we are going as ADU (Aussie Destinations Unknown).

I would encourage you to start living your best life – no matter what that is!

We all have different hopes and dreams, and as long as you’re doing your best to get where you want to go, or do what you are passionate about, imo, that’s living your best life.

Don’t let a lack of anything stop you. You can start anywhere, with anything! A day trip to a local national park, or waterfall. Climb a mountain nearby, go for a bushwalk, hit the beach, learn how to ride and start mountain biking (epic fun that takes you to some amazing places!). Whatever you want to do … start taking steps NOW towards making it happen.

Saving for something like a trip away, or a caravan might seem impossible … but shuffle a few things around, make a few sacrifices here and there (goodness knows we’ve sacrificed a lot!) and anything can happen.

Hopefully we inspire you to live your best life and be the best version of yourself that you can be. If we have, please let us know!

If you have questions, comments or feedback – reach out to us. We always love to have a chat.

If you have a suggested topic you’d like me to cover, let me know.

Thanks for watching/reading … now get out there and start living your best life!


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