We have partnered up with Caravan RV Camping to giveaway

A Hema HX-2 Navigator Worth $749!


This is a really exciting video as once again we have teamed up with Caravan RV Camping for a giveaway! But it’s not just us this time, HEMA have jumped on board, which is the best part, as we get to introduce you to the brand new Hema HX-2, released this year, and then we get to give one away! But don’t be too upset if you’re watching the video after the giveaway as you can still shop the entire CRVC website at a discounted price by using one of our discount codes that you will find below. If you have any questions about this product, Caravan RV Camping, or our discount code, please just shoot us through a message.

Make sure you are subscribed to our YouTube channel and that you have liked this video and left us a comment. Then head on over to and fill out your details!

WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED on our Instagram and Facebook Pages PLUS in the competitions page on our website. Please don’t give your details to any new accounts or pages.

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