Sometimes in life we make decisions and choices that seem so right at the time. Then, you realise with a sinking heart that you made the wrong choice, the wrong decision. All the hopes and dreams built around those choices come crashing down. And, because your future was wrapped in those decisions too, it becomes uncertain. The uncertainty flows slowly but surely into every aspect of your life, so you even begin to doubt yourself as a person. Relationships become rocky. You can only take one day at a time. No making plans any more only wondering ‘Will this ever come right?’ You fight not to allow ugly emotions win. Even so anger, resentment and a desire to exact revenge continually pop up.

This year, 2019, has been a huge (and very expensive) learning curve for us and we are so glad that we are now coming through the other side.

I’m a very positive person. I take good and bad experiences and learn as much as I can from them. But this year it took all my positivity to help drag Chris through the nightmare that nearly cost our relationship and the future of Aussie Destinations Unknown.

I’m choosing not to dwell on the horrific experiences of this past year. While you can’t wipe memories, you can choose not to let them harm you. I’ve chosen to focus on the positives that have come from the awful situations and interactions we’ve had; the ‘silver lining’ if you will.

Over the last six months, we have had the absolute pleasure of meeting and teaming up with some incredible people. Some, sadly, have also seen firsthand, and supported us through, the challenges we have had to deal with.

Sometimes your decisions involve others. Ours did. And this was a contributing factor to the despair we have often felt, and to Chris’ borderline depression and anxiety because it meant that people we respect, and value so much, people we love working with, also became victims of the unprincipled and unethical behaviour we experienced.

We have a very strong team working with us at ADU and we are thankful and proud to be associated with every one of them. It’s been pretty dark much of the time this year, but the support of these people has been the light to keep us going.

It is with happy hearts and a much brighter outlook on life that we announce that we will be working with TITANIUM CARAVANS from here and into the future. Funnily enough when Chris and I first started thinking about upgrading from the Jayco, Jason was the first person who we sat down and spoke with. We loved what he had to say and honestly, I can’t remember why we didn’t choose Titanium back then!

We’ve just returned from a full day spent with Jason in Epping, Victoria, meeting everyone, touring through the Titanium factory and designing our dream van and we feel like we can finally exhale. Knowing that we are now working with experienced professionals who have been delivering a proven product for years is a joy and pleasure for us and we are quickly growing accustomed to those good feelings.

Customer service is extremely high on our list. And, while not wanting to go into details, I can say that we now understand just how devastating it can be to find you have become a statistic as far as consumer rights are concerned; that you have to turn to the ACC and to legal counsel just to get what was promised in the first place.  We also understand the importance of having absolutely everything in writing.

Those of us who are honest and trustworthy have to keep in mind that not everyone is like this. Sadly, the world today is one where there will always be those who try to take advantage of you. We realise now we were naïve and a little too trusting. When we were talking about it with my mum, she quoted a saying that fits well here, ‘be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.’ We almost allowed the constant battering to stop us, we almost lost faith in everyone, instead we’ll keep in mind the reality of that little saying to protect ourselves from such a disaster happening again. We also remind ourselves of all the wonderfully supportive people we have around us.

We have a list that is slowly coming together of amazing and wonderful people who we trust and feel 100% comfortable with from a partnership perspective, and who are quickly becoming mates. We all have a few common qualities that are drawing us together to create an unstoppable team.

Alongside Titanium Caravans, we look forward to working with the following people, all who play an integral role in creating our dream caravan and 4×4 Setup.

  • PINNACLE 4×4










I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support over this past year. Our circumstances limited our posting, and for this I apologize. No one wants us back on the road more than we do!

So here’s to 2020 and all the adventures it will bring! And as for 2019 –  thanks for the valuable lessons and the awesome people you’ve been sending our way these past few months.

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