OK, so we don’t actually know how many kilos we’ve lost as we don’t carry scales with us, but what we know we have lost are a few double chins, a couple of muffins tops, some back blubber and the bad moods from being ‘frumpy’.

We have been on the road full time since October 2020 and keeping on top of the healthy lifestyle has been challenging, but, with a little pre-planning you can keep on top of it!

We have been in lock down in Coober Pedy for 7 days. 7 DAYS! (Today is our last day). And to make it worse, the weather has been extremely average making exercise almost impossible. The winds have been howling to the point where Chris is starting to lose his mind. You know those people who can’t handle windy days? Well, he’s one of them. And we aren’t talking the occasional gusts here and there, we are talking incessant howling winds of about 40km that continue all day and right through the night. We had one day in the middle where it calmed a bit and I raced outside and squeezed in 15 minutes of a workout before being forced back into the caravan.

Cranky Chris hates the wind! 😂

And if I’ll be really honest, I’ve been sitting in front of this computer smashing out what I can while we are forced to sit still. I’ve walked to the amenities twice: once to take a long shower and wash my hair and once to use the loo when Chris went to dump ours. I’ve also walked to the laundry 4 times, and that’s it.

Cups of herbal tea in between meals are great!

 So how, during this time, have we both managed to shed the blubber? Food. That’s how! As soon as we heard we were in lock down, we decided that this was it. Well, we’ve been saying that for a while now, but this was it for real!  This is the time we actually got back to eating how we used to eat all the time. No snacking on junk, no carby wraps (gluten free or not) and no ‘just this time’. No compromise at all. We have been low carb/keto for the entire time and I’m going to share with you exactly what we ate on what days and when. You can copy what we did, modify it to suit your lifestyle or just laugh at us for not eating sugar! What you do with this info is up to you, but let me just say, it hasn’t been hard at all, and we feel 100% better.

Bacon and eggs with all the extras – loaded with butter!

The food. What you put into your body matters, it really does! We have been 100% gluten free this week. No exceptions. Reduced dairy, but not entirely dairy-free. Drinking lots of water and no alcohol (I don’t drink but Chris usually does. This time he has had just one beer). We eat a high (healthy) fat diet so we add butter to almost everything. Avocado and coconut oils are also common ingredients in my cooking. We add oils to salads and avocado is often added to meals. And this week, we’ve had crepes every single night. I just make a big batch whenever we run out! Usually I menu plan, but not this week. It was just grab the ingredients I know are healthy and make what I can using them. If we eat the same meal twice – so be it!

Chris has a black coffee every morning (sometimes he uses the coffee machine and sometimes he has COFFEE SWITCH) and I have a shake with my supplements in it. I also have a shake before bed. I have trouble sleeping and I have adrenal issues. My night shake with Adrenal Switch really helps with this.

SWITCH NUTRITION PRODUCTS: You can use our discount code ADUCREW on all products at https://switchnutrition.com.au/. I have been having this same shake for over 6 years now. I worked with my naturopath over many years to find out what my nutritional deficiencies are and take supplements to suit. Some are powders and those are what I add into my shake. You don’t have to do this, but it’s a good idea to find out if you have any deficiencies and address them 😁


What’s in my shakes:


We haven’t been snacking much, but when we do it’s:

  • Boiled eggs (I ‘boil’ these in my air fryer!)
  • Salami or a few twiggy sticks
  • Soft cheese (gouda, havaarti, brie, camembert etc)
  • Nuts (not peanuts)
  • Cucumber rounds (used like crackers) with deli meat/soft cheese
  • Cottage cheese with avocado

I’ve been drinking my supplement shake for over 6 years!


what we ate during lock down and when


I’ve kept things really simple. No fancy recipes and nothing that takes too long (aside from the crepes). Of course meal times vary a little but this gives you a rough idea.

DAY 1.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Bacon, eggs, halloumi and ½ an avocado each.

5:30 pm Dinner. Crack Slaw.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 2.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Leftover Crack Slaw.

5:30 pm Dinner. Air Fryer Chicken Thighs with steamed bok choy, broccolini and zucchini.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 3.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Bacon, eggs, halloumi and ½ an avocado each.

5:30 pm. Dinner. Leftover Air Fryer Chicken Thighs with steamed bok choy, broccolini and zucchini.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 4.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch Bacon, eggs, halloumi and ½ an avocado each.

5:30 pm. Dinner. Air Fryer Frittata.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 5.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Steak with butter and Green Salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

5:30 pm. Dinner. Coconut Lamb Curry with Cauliflower Mash.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 6.

Breakfast. None. Chris had a coffee, and I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Leftover Coconut Lamb Curry with Cauliflower Mash.

5:30 pm. Dinner. Lamb Chops with Brie Cheese and 2 fried eggs.

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.

DAY 7.

Breakfast. Chris was hungry so he had a coffee and 2 hamburger patties (with butter). I had my usual supplements shake.

12:30 pm Lunch. Leftover Coconut Lamb Curry with Cauliflower Mash.

5:30 pm. Dinner. Sausages and steamed bok choy, broccolini and zucchini (with heaps of butter)

7:00 pm Dessert. Gluten Free Crepes.


CREPE TOPPINGS: (these are what we have)

  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • dairy free cream (or normal cream)
  • butter
  • Natvia NO SUGAR syrup (I love the caramel Chris loves the chocolate!)
  • Nuttvia Hazlenut Spread
  • lemon juice and Sukrin icing sugar


And there you have it! This is what we ate during our lock down in Coober Pedy. As your body starts to adapt, you will find yourself craving less food and generally being less hungry. When we are in the ‘rythm’, it isn’t uncommon for us to not eat lunch until 2:00 and Chris sometimes does 24 hours fasts. We both love intermittent fasting and what it does for our health. Women do need to be careful with hormones though, so don’t push past the 15 hour mark without some sort of fat (I have a tsp of coconut oil).

I (Miriam) am a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer. That’s how I know stuff 😉

 Lambert’s Geographical Centre of Australia. Snapped just a few days before SA lock down!


Please check with your GP before commencing any new diet plan. This is just what we did and can’t guarantee it will work for you.

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